Sunday, August 31, 2008

Enough with HIllary and Geraldine

Dear Sarah Palin,

The nods to Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro were great the first time in the coming out speech, but enough is enough. We don't need to hear it over and over please. It's gonna hurt you with the Republicans and we want you to win, win, win.

If it's one of those from the heart, conviction type things maybe you can pick your crowds. It's nice, but Hillary is anathema to a lot of Republicans. Maybe you could just say something about all the strong, intelligent women who've worked hard. There are a lot of other women who've been in political office and done well.

Whatever you do, be sure you're never seen in public in a pantsuit. A nice patterned coat with solid pants is fine, just be sure you steer clear of those matching tops and pants like the Hill wears please. Don't give anyone fodder to attack, they're going to make up enough crap as it stands.

Thrilled you're on board, can't wait until you and John McCain take office in January!!!

A huge supporter!

News on Sarah Palin

Some news stories (good and bad, but hey, I don't expect much from a media that would cheer when Obama speaks!):

Palin is talk of the Sunday news shows
USA Today - USA
Sarah Palin as "commander in chief" of the Alaska National Guard. Her single trip to Kuwait also made it into many talking points, as did the phrases ...

Palin's Sojourn as a Sportscaster
Washington Post - United States
By Garance Franke-Ruta
Barack Obama's official campaign position on John McCain's new running mate Sarah Palin is to congratulate her and focus on ...

Liberal media hate Sarah Palin (who knew?)
Kansas City Star - MO, USA
Think the liberal mainstream media don't like the thought of Sarah Palin becoming president? Check out the editorials blasting John McCain's choice as vice ...

Nicola Lamb: Palin has glamour but lacks the weight
New Zealand Herald - New Zealand
By Nicola Lamb Governor Sarah Palin is a keen gun enthusiast. Photo / AP During the primaries, when Hillary Clinton was talking up her shooting prowess and ...

Palin Comparison: Not Enough "Northern Exposure" in the Press?
Editor & Publisher - USA
Interviewed by a reporter from Alaska, Sarah Palin could not testify to her national security experience. And Cindy McCain says it amounts to Alaska being ...

Editorial: Palin renews McCain's maverick image, but is cleary ...
San Jose Mercury News - CA, USA
But his wild-card choice of the unknown and untested Sarah Palin as his vice president will backfire if voters see through it. Picking an obscure first-term ...

More reaction to the Palin pick
Per a new USA Today/Gallup poll, 51% say they have never heard of Sarah Palin, while 22% have a favorable impression of her and 7% have a negative one. ...

'Homemaker' Palin Made Sparing Donations
ABC News - USA
Sarah Palin has been a bit of a penny-pincher in terms of her support of Republicans -- or any other political candidates. She's only donated cash twice, ...

McCain and Palin team up as Gustav looms
Reuters - USA
By Jeff Mason ST LOUIS (Reuters) - White House hopeful John McCain and running mate Sarah Palin hit the campaign trail as a team on Saturday, ...

McCain takes big gamble on Palin
Financial Times - London, England, UK
By Andrew Ward When John McCain announced Sarah Palin as his running mate yesterday, the reaction of most Americans would have been "who? ...

Bridge to Nowhere...

I listened to the talks this morning, curious to see whether the Obamacrats had come up with any kind of unified message to attack McCain-Palin.

They even dragged out old Kerry to try. Don't you just want to drag his words out, tell him to speed it up? Man I go to sleep listening to him drone.

They tried. They failed.

They can't go after her on experience. She's second in line, their less-than-qualified-choice is first in line. If the "change" guy bites the dust then what do we have? OLD-School Washington Biden, no-change-Biden.

Don't you just love listening to all these politicians trying to tell us what we're supposed to think?

Remember the old adage, something about throwing enough mud sooner or later something will stick? They are throwing all they have an so far nothing is sticking.

I love it that she turned down the Bridge to Nowhere. Ha, take that Washington. The Dems tried to talk about the fact (I assume) that when she ran for office she was for it, but then got into office and voted against it. Well la-de-da. I've been around enough campaigns to know that until you actually get into office you don't know all the facts, you may think one way while running based on what you're being told, but then when you see the full story realize it just ain't what you thought it was going to be.

When she starts compromising her principles, then I'll take note. But to change her mind about money being handed out from Washington? Nope, she ultimately did the right thing and that's what matters. I might have a huge problem if she'd done it the other way around, said she was against the bridge then embraced it when she got into office.

Get real guys. I know you're digging and digging right now, you're trying trash on focus groups hoping something will make then go "ewww, no way". You're tossing garbage and hoping something is going to stick in our minds. Shame you're not going to give up, but hey, that's old-style Washington politics and you guys are good at the same-old-same-old. Wrap it in an Obama Change Blanket and tout it as being new. Here's what's new ---- someone who's willing to buck their own political party to do what's right for us, for the American public.

You have two guys who wouldn't know change if their babies diapers were full.

Mother of a son in Iraq

Who do you want sitting at the table when decisions on matters of war are being made? I think John McCain has already proved himself in that regard. He's been right on every issue regarding the war that mattered.

Sarah Palin has a son who's getting ready to head to Iraq. I'd rather have her sitting at the table that a guy who thinks like Barack who hasn't got a clue. As the Governor of a state she has to make decisions about things that have never even entered into the mind of Obama.

John McCain On Picking His Running Mate

"And of course as governor, she has had enormous responsibilities, none of which Senator Obama had. When she was in government, he was a community organizer. When she was taking tough positions against her own party, Senator Obama was voting present 130 times in the state legislature. On every tough issue, whatever it was, she was taking them on. That's the kind of judgment that I'm confident that we need in Washington." -- John McCain

John McCain
Fox News'
"Fox News Sunday"
August 31, 2008

John McCain: "What this brings is a spirit of reform and change that is vital now in our nation's capital. Eighty four percent of the American people think the country's on the wrong track. In our Party, we have corruption. We have former members of Congress residing in federal prison, so it's not surprising to me that we've seen an incredible invigoration around our Party and around the nation, not just Republicans, but Democrats. By the way, in the last day and a half or whatever it's been, we have raised $4 million on the Internet. I wish I had taken her a month ago."...

"She's got the right judgment. She doesn't think, like Senator Obama does, that Iran is a minor irritant. She knows that the surge worked and succeeded and she supported that. Senator Obama still, still to this day, refuses to acknowledge that the surge has succeeded. She's been commander-in-chief of the Alaska Guard that has served back and back. In fact, as you know, she's got a son who's getting ready to go. But she's had the judgment on these issues that Senator Obama, he's had all the wrong judgments. Governor Palin understands these issues, and she understands the challenges that we face, so she's had 12 years of elected office experience, including travelling to Kuwait, including being involved in these issues, and look, I'm so proud that she has displayed the kind of judgment and she has the experience and judgment as an executive. She's run a huge economy up there in the state of Alaska. Twenty percent of our energy comes from the state of Alaska, and energy is obviously one of the key issues for our nation's security."

"But the point is, she's been to Kuwait. She's been over there. She's been with her troops. The National Guard that she commands, who have been over there and had the experience, I'm proud of her knowledge of these challenges and issues. And of course as governor, she has had enormous responsibilities, none of which Senator Obama had. When she was in government, he was a community organizer. When she was taking tough positions against her own party, Senator Obama was voting present 130 times in the state legislature. On every tough issue, whatever it was, she was taking them on. That's the kind of judgment that I'm confident that we need in Washington."

Watch John McCain

She's never been on Meet the Press


Right choice.

Not Washington.

Brilliant move McCain.

If I wanted Washington II then I'd be voting for old-man Biden's team.

The Dems have an inexperienced political wonk on the top of their ticket and a DC insider who knows nothing but politics-as-usual as the second in command.

Their argument of inexperience about a Governor and Mayor who's done more in the past five years than either of the politicians on the Dem side have done in their entire life is ludicrous. Being a mother of five children gives her more experience than the by-the-Dem-book dudes on the other ticket will ever have.

Palin ought to challenge Biden to a mooseburger eating contest. She'd beat him in that one, too.

Palin is the future. Biden is the past. Obama showed he's nothing but a lock-step Democrat when he chose Biden. So much for "Change", huh?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

It's Time For Some Campaigning

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Obmama Flinched and Flubbed

Obama could have had a ticket that would have unified the Democratic Party. Instead, he flinched, which was a major flub.

He flinched and the better man took the ball, ran with it and scored big time.

Republican's everywhere are celebrating the genius of the McCain campaign! What a stunner, what a pick, what a great choice Senator John McCain made with Sarah Palin.

If Obama will flinch on this type issue, what will he do when the going really gets tough? When the President needs to make major, life-impacting decisions he can't flinch. We depend on him not to flub it.

As an independent I was leaning in Obama's direction. No more. He flinched and flubbed.

From the McCain Campaign: What They're Saying About McCain-Palin

A Maverick Picked Another Maverick:

Anchorage Daily News: "The Joan Of Arc Of Alaska Politics." "Palin, 44, has been the Joan of Arc of Alaska politics, charging into battle against long odds on such big local issues as oil taxes and construction of a natural gas pipeline only to see her opposition crumble." (Tom Kizzia, "Gov. Sarah Palin: A Biography," Anchorage Daily News, 8/29/08)

· Anchorage Daily News: Governor Palin Is "A Maverick Who's Willing To Challenge Her Own Party." "Palin, 44, is a first-term governor known for being a maverick who's willing to challenge her own party, a key trait that McCain hopes will help him attract independent voters. She's perceived as an ethics crusader and reformer within a state Republican Party that's been rocked by scandal, credentials that also enhance McCain's similar image." ("Palin Picked As McCain VP," Anchorage Daily News, 8/29/08)

The Associated Press' Ron Fournier: Governor Palin "Has A Record Of Bipartisan Reform" And Enjoys "A Growing Reputation As A Maverick." "It is true, as the statement said, that Palin has a record of bipartisan reform. She has a growing reputation as a maverick for bucking her party's establishment and Alaska's powerful oil industry." (Ron Fournier, "Analysis: Palin's Age, Inexperience Rival Obama's," The Associated Press, 8/29/08)

Augusta Chronicle Editorial: Governor Palin "Made Her Considerable Alaska Reputation By Taking On Establishment Politicians." "Sen. John McCain's surprising choice for vice president, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, appears to be every bit the maverick he is. A dyed-in-the-wool conservative, Palin nonetheless made her considerable Alaska reputation by taking on establishment politicians -- even bringing ethics charges against fellow Republicans." (Editorial, "A Surprise Choice, Well-Timed," Augusta Chronicle, 8/30/08)

Boston Herald: Governor Palin Is "A Maverick Governor." "Palin, 44, a maverick governor and a staunch, anti-abortion, pro-gun rights conservative, is a political outsider who has five children and a working-class background." (Jessica Fargen, "Sarah Palin: Mom, Hunter, Maverick," Boston Herald, 8/30/08)

· Boston Herald: "She Has A Reputation For Rankling The GOP Hierarchy In The Conservative State." (Jessica Fargen, "Sarah Palin: Mom, Hunter, Maverick," Boston Herald, 8/30/08)
MSNBC's Kevin Corke: Governor Palin "Has Been A Hard-Nosed Fighter." "She can get in there and compete with anybody. I mean, she was in a tough campaign, she has been a hard-nosed fighter, not only for Republican values, but also in her state and she has been successful." (MSNBC, 8/29/08)

New York Times: Governor Palin "Took Intense Criticism From Members Of Her Own Party For Turning The Spotlight On The Failures Of Alaska Republicans." "But Ms. Palin ran as a change agent when she was elected as governor of Alaska in 2006, and in a move that might have appealed to Mr. McCain, she took intense criticism from members of her own party for turning the spotlight on the failures of Alaska Republicans, some of whom had been beset by corruption scandals." (Michael Cooper And Mitchell L. Blumenthal, "McCain Chooses Palin As Running Mate," The New York Times, 8/29/08)

Tampa Tribune: "Sen. John McCain Made An Inspired Choice In Picking Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin As His Running Mate." (Editorial, "The Maverick Is Back," Tampa Tribune, 8/30/08)
The Wall Street Journal Editorial: Governor Palin "A Case Study In Taking On The Big Boys." "On the other hand, the record shows that Sarah Palin's political career is a case study in taking on the big boys. We suspect her record of fighting the status quo was uppermost in John McCain's decision." (Editorial, "A Reform Ticket," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

The Washington Post: Governor Palin "Rose To The Statehouse By Challenging The Corruption That Has Become Endemic In Alaska, Even If It Meant Taking On The Republican Establishment There." "Palin, a 44-year-old mother of five who hunts caribou and was once a beauty queen, rose to the statehouse by challenging the corruption that has become endemic in Alaska, even if it meant taking on the Republican establishment there, including the former governor and the state's congressional delegation." (Amy Goldstein and Michael D. Shear, "A Tenacious Reformer's Swift Rise," The Washington Post, 8/30/08)

The Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes: "She Was Not Only A Surprise Choice But Also An Electrifying Choice." "Sarah Palin changed all that. She was not only a surprise choice but also an electrifying one, and her selection has far-reaching implications. Her entry will change the nature of the presidential race. And if the McCain-Palin ticket wins, it has the potential to carry Republicans through a rough patch and even ensure conservative dominance of the party--for years to come." (Fred Barnes, "Providential Palin," The Weekly Standard, 8/30/08)

McCain-Palin: "A Reform Ticket"

Bill Kristol: "She Has Been Governor Of The State While Obama Has Been Pretty Much An Absentee Senator Running For Senate." "Obama has no experience, obviously. He was a state Senator. Sarah Palin has much more executive experience. She has been governor of the state while Obama has been pretty much an absentee senator running for Senate." (FOX News' "Special Report," 8/29/08)

Boston Herald: "In Selecting A Washington Outsider, The Original 'Maverick' Opted To Double Down On His Reform Credentials While Also Making A Pitch To Undecided Women Voters." (Editorial, "With McCain's Pick, A Whole New Race," Boston Herald, 8/30/08)
FOX News' Carl Cameron: "She Was Elected Governor In 2006 And Took Office In 2007. Her Accomplishments Reflect And Even Echo McCain's Reform Agenda." (FOX News' "Special Report," 8/29/08)

· Cameron: Barack Obama And Joe Biden Can't Claim To Have The Executive Experience Governor Palin Has. "But, as a governor, as an elected governor of a state, an executive, she has more experience than Barack Obama and Joe Biden do. ... Sarah Palin is the only candidate who will appear on the presidential ballot who is able to say that she has executive experience and has run a government. That is nothing that Joe Biden or Barack Obama can claim." (Fox News, 8/29/08)

National Review: Governor Palin Reinforces John McCain's "Mindset Of An Outsider And A Fighter Against Corruption." "By picking Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain has wowed the public and enthused the Right. He has reinforced some of his winning themes -- that he has the mindset of an outsider and a fighter against corruption. He has also reinforced his appeal as the candidate more in touch with traditional values on moral issues." (Editorial, "The Palin Pick," National Review, 8/29/08)

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "Palin Has The Same Maverick Reputation As Sen. McCain." "It will go down in history as one of the boldest, most deft and wonderfully strategic vice-presidential picks ever. Palin has the same maverick reputation as Sen. McCain and has been a pull-no-punches reformer in The Last Frontier. She even took on the ethically challenged hierarchy of her own state GOP." (Editorial, "McCain-Palin: A Bold & Deft Pick," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 8/30/08)

The Washington Times: "If Anything, Her Zeal For Busting Pork-Barrel Spending May Outstrip Mr. McCain's." "She unseated a sitting Republican governor in a primary by running against the Republican establishment in Alaska. If anything, her zeal for busting pork-barrel spending may outstrip Mr. McCain's. And she's spent her time in office fighting for ethics reform." (Stephen Dinan, "Trumping Obama On Change," The Washington Times, 8/30/08)

The Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes: "As A Governor, She Has More Executive Experience Than Mr. Obama." (Fred Barnes, "Palin Fought For Reform In Alaska," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

· Barnes: "Obama Can't Even Match One Of These Accomplishments" From Governor Palin. "She brought down Alaska's governor, attorney general, and state Republican chairman (see my 'Most Popular Governor,' July 16, 2007). She killed the 'bridge to nowhere.' She used increased tax revenues from high oil prices to give Alaskans a rebate. She slashed government spending. She took on the biggest industry in Alaska, the oil companies, to work out an equitable deal on building a new gas pipeline. Obama can't match even one of these accomplishments." (Fred Barnes, "Providential Palin," The Weekly Standard, 8/30/08)

· Barnes: John McCain And Governor Palin "Are More Likely To Clash With Special Interest Groups Than Are Obama And Biden." "With Palin on board, the change issue is no longer Obama's exclusive possession. She and McCain are more likely to clash with special interest groups than are Obama and Biden, who have yet to buck a single liberal pressure group." (Fred Barnes, "Providential Palin," The Weekly Standard, 8/30/08)

The Wall Street Journal: "Her Reputation As A Reformer In Alaska Dovetails With Sen. McCain's Image, Too." (Laura Meckler, Elizabeth Holmes and Jim Carlton, "McCain's Surprise V.P. Choice," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

The Wall Street Journal's Editorial: "We'd Say Governor Palin's Credentials As An Agent Of Reform Exceed Barack Obama's." "For starters, we'd say Governor Palin's credentials as an agent of reform exceed Barack Obama's. Mr. Obama rose through the Chicago Democratic machine without a peep of push-back. Alaska's politics are deeply inbred and backed by energy-industry money. Mr. Obama slid past the kind of forces that Mrs. Palin took head on." (Editorial, "A Reform Ticket," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: With Governor Palin, "McCain Also Doubles Down On The Maverick Argument." "In choosing Palin, McCain also doubles down on the maverick argument; Palin is the face of reform in the Republican party nationally and is clearly not of Washington -- a key element of her biography given how negative voter sentiment toward the nation's capital is currently." (Chris Cillizza, "The Palin Stunner," The Washington Post, 8/29/08)

The Washington Post: Palin "Earned A Reputation As A Reformer, Taking On Republican Leaders On Ethics Issues." "Palin has earned a reputation as a reformer, taking on Republican leaders on ethics issues. She opposed pork-barrel projects backed by her party and helped kill the project known as the 'Bridge to Nowhere,' which had been promoted by Alaskan Republican leaders, notably Rep. Don Young and Sen. Ted Stevens." (Robert Barnes, Michael Shear And William Branigin, "McCain Introduces Alaska Governor Palin As Running Mate," The Washington Post, 8/29/08)

A Strong Reformer From Far Outside Of Washington:

ABC's Cokie Roberts: "It's An Out Of Washington, Breath Of Fresh Air, Definitely A Reformer..." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 8/20/08)

The Associated Press: Governor Palin Is "An Independent Figure." "In turning to her, McCain picked an independent figure in his own mold, one who has taken on Alaska's powerful oil industry and, at age 44, is three years younger than Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and a generation younger than McCain, 72." (Steve Quinn And Calvin Woodward, "McCain's Veep Choice Is Historic And Hardly Known," The Associated Press, 8/29/08)

Boston Herald: Governor Palin "Has Challenged Corruption At All Levels." "In a state known of late for the corruption of its Republican politicians, Palin has challenged corruption at all levels. She knocked off an incumbent GOP governor in the primary; enacted ethics reforms and told Congress 'thanks but no thanks' on that infamous 'bridge to nowhere.' And as one of her first acts in office, she sold off the jet the former governor used to get around the state." (Editorial, "With McCain's Pick, A Whole New Race," Boston Herald, 8/30/08)

New York Times: McCain "Reached Far Outside The Washington Beltway." "In choosing Ms. Palin -- a 44-year-old social conservative and mother of five who has been governor for less than two years -- the McCain campaign reached far outside the Washington Beltway in an election in which the Democratic presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama, is running on a platform of change." (Michael Cooper And Mitchell L. Blumenthal, "McCain Chooses Palin As Running Mate," The New York Times, 8/29/08)

· New York Times: Governor Palin "Rose To Prominence As A Whistle-Blower Uncovering Ethical Misconduct IN State Government." "Ms. Palin, a former mayor of the small town of Wasilla, an Anchorage suburb, and one-time beauty pageant queen, first rose to prominence as a whistle-blower uncovering ethical misconduct in state government." (Michael Cooper And Mitchell L. Blumenthal, "McCain Chooses Palin As Running Mate," The New York Times, 8/29/08)

Politico: "In Choosing An Outsider Like Palin, McCain Has Bolstered His Case That He -- Not Obama -- Is The Real Agent Of Change." (Jonathan Martin and Tim Grieve, "The Ticket: McCain-Palin," Politico, 8/29/08)

· Politico: "Palin Has Become Known ... As A Reformer." "But in her short political career, Palin has become known -- at least in Alaska -- as a reformer. Long before the ethical problems of the Alaska GOP were front-page news in Washington, she was working to clean up the state's government and her own party." (Jonathan Martin and Tim Grieve, "The Ticket: McCain-Palin," Politico, 8/29/08)

Reuters: Governor Palin "Built A Reputation As A Reformer" In Alaska. "Palin, former mayor of the town of Wasilla, built a reputation as a reformer in a state that recently has been hit with corruption scandals. Elected in 2006, she is Alaska's first woman governor." (Jeff Mason, "McCain Picks Palin As Surprise No. 2," Reuters, 8/29/08)

Roll Call's Mort Kondracke: "And, You Know, She Is A Reformer, And She Is Doing Great Work In Alaska For Two Years." (FOX News' "Special Report," 8/29/08)

The Wall Street Journal Editorial: Governor Palin Is "A Genuine Reformer." "Mr. McCain's instinct clearly is to offer himself to voters as a reformer. With Sarah Palin, a genuine reformer, Mr. McCain may have found the right idea and the right person to make his run." (Editorial, "A Reform Ticket," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

The Wall Street Journal's Editorial: "Sarah Palin's Reform Resume Would Be Remarkable In Any Political Career." (Editorial, "A Reform Ticket," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

The Washington Post Editorial: Governor Palin "Has Shown Independence And A Clear Moral Compass." "Since entering politics she has shown independence and a clear moral compass. On Alaska's oil and gas commission, she blew the whistle on a fellow Republican's conflict of interest. Her 2006 campaign for the state's highest office began as an insurrection against her party's old guard. In choosing her, Mr. McCain said that Ms. Palin's experience equips her to help 'shake up Washington.'" (Editorial, "Mr. McCain's Choice," The Washington Post, 8/30/08)

The Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes: "She's A Conservative Reformer." "Palin is a different kind of Republican. She's a conservative reformer who, somewhat like McCain but more like Ronald Reagan, is forever poised to challenge the sluggish (or corrupt) Republican establishment and shake up the status quo." (Fred Barnes, "Providential Palin," The Weekly Standard, 8/30/08)

· Barnes: "And She Has A Record Of Integrity Matched By Few Elected Officials." "And she has a record of integrity matched by few elected officials. Mrs. Palin resigned in protest in 2004 as head of the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission over alleged ethical violations by the state Republican chairman, a commission member. Two years later, she upset Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski in the primary and defeated a Democrat in the general election." (Fred Barnes, "Palin Fought For Reform In Alaska," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

Club For Growth President Pat Toomey: Governor Palin "Is A Principled Reformer." "At a time when many Republicans are still clinging to pork-barrel politics, Governor Palin has quickly become a leader on this issue. ... She is a principled reformer who understands how badly wasteful spending has marred the Republican brand." (Club For Growth PAC, "Club PAC On Possible Palin Pick," Press Release, 8/29/08)

An Energy Expert Who Took On The Oil Companies:

The Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes: "But She's An Expert On One Of This Year's Biggest Issues -- Energy." (Fred Barnes, "Palin Fought For Reform In Alaska," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

· Fox Business Channel's Adam Shapiro: "On the other hand, Sarah Palin, out of Alaska would certainly know a thing or two about energy given the fact that Alaska produces oil for the United States." (Fox Business Channel, 8/29/08)

· Fox News' Carl Cameron: "She's Already Engaged In The Energy Debate, Boosting Domestic Supply With Increased Production From Her Resource Rich State Of Alaska." (FOX News' "Special Report," 8/29/08)

· The Houston Chronicle: Governor Palin "Arguably Brings More Credibility On The Topic [Of Energy] Than Anyone Else On The Two Major Tickets." "In an election where energy has moved to the top of the agenda, Republican vice-presidential pick Sarah Palin arguably brings more credibility on the topic than anyone else on the two major tickets. She's the governor of Alaska, where close to 85 percent of the budget comes from oil revenue. It's second only to Texas among the states in oil production." (Tom Fowler, "McCain's VP Pick Palin No Stranger To Energy Industry," Houston Chronicle, 8/30/08)

Anchorage Daily News: Governor Palin "Took On The Oil Producers." "Palin took on the oil producers there, saying they had been dragging their feet on a gasline, and she pushed the Legislature to pass a bill authorizing an independent company to build the line." (Tom Kizzia, "Gov. Sarah Palin: A Biography," Anchorage Daily News, 8/29/08)

· The Associated Press: Governor Palin "Refused To Kowtow To The Powerful Oil Industry." "During her first year in office, Palin moved away from the powerful old guard of the state Republican Party and has refused to kowtow to the powerful oil industry, instead presiding over a tax increase on oil company profits that now has the state's treasury swelling." (Steve Quinn And Calvin Woodward, "McCain's Veep Choice Is Historic And Hardly Known," The Associated Press, 8/29/08)

· The Associated Press: "Yet She Also Not Shied From Confronting Exxon Mobil, BP And ConocoPhillips." (H. Josef Hebert , "Palin Could Complicate Energy Debate," Associated Press, 8/30/08)

· The Associated Press: "She Has Tangled With Exxon Mobil And Other Oil Companies Over Their Reluctance To Develop Gas Fields On State Land." (H. Josef Hebert , "Palin Could Complicate Energy Debate," Associated Press, 8/30/08)

· Bloomberg: Governor Palin "Threatened To Evict" Oil Companies From A State-Owned Gas Field For Not Drilling. "Earlier this year, Palin threatened to evict Exxon Mobil Corp. and its partners BP Plc, Chevron Corp. and ConocoPhillips from a state-owned gas field, winning a promise from them to boost Alaska's natural-gas output by 17 percent. "(Ken Fireman and Lorraine Woellert, "Alaska Governor Palin Picked As McCain Running Mate," Bloomberg, 8/29/08)

· The Wall Street Journal: In Alaska, Governor Palin Clashed With Exxon Mobil. "Gov. Palin's interest in speeding up development of the state's resources, in part to boost revenues to the state and provide jobs, is evident in her clash with Exxon Mobil. Earlier this year, she attempted to revoke Exxon's license to the Point Thomson oil-and-gas field, one of the largest undeveloped fields in the U.S., for failing to develop it quickly enough. The company hasn't drilled a well there since 1982. On Thursday, Exxon said it has brought in equipment and was preparing to drill a well this winter." (Russell Gold, "Palin Has Long Experience Dealing With Big Oil In Home State," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

· The Wall Street Journal: "Sarah Palin Has Pushed Oil Companies To Move Faster With Projects To Expand Oil And Gas Production." "Since becoming Alaska's governor in 2006, Sarah Palin has pushed oil companies to move faster with projects to expand oil and gas production. She is widely credited with reviving a long-stalled effort to build a natural-gas pipeline from Alaska's Prudhoe Bay energy fields to the Lower 48 states." (Russell Gold, "Palin Has Long Experience Dealing With Big Oil In Home State," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

· Alaska House Of Representatives Democrat Mike Doogan: "They don't have big color pictures of Sarah Palin in the board rooms of BP, ConocoPhillips or Exxon. ... If she's in the pocket of big oil, she's kept it a pretty good secret.'" (Tom Fowler, "McCain's VP Pick Palin No Stranger To Energy Industry," The Houston Chronicle, 8/30/08)

Governor Palin Makes A Strong National Debut:

Dayton Daily News: Crowd "Roared Its Approval" For Governor Palin. "Even if they didn't know much about her going in, the capacity crowd at Wright State University's Ervin J. Nutter Center roared its approval of John McCain's surprise selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate." (Joanne Huist Smith and James Cummings, "Nutter Crowd Greets Palin With Enthusiasm," Dayton Daily News, 8/30/08)

· Politico: "And When Sarah Palin Delivered, They Seemed To Instantly Fall In Love." "I've been covering the GOP presidential race since November of 2006. In those many months -- across many states -- I have never seen a crowd with the energy that I witnessed yesterday at the Erwin Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio. Yes, there was an inherent buzz owing to the pending veep announcement. But even after the choice was proclaimed, the crowd seemed to become more jacked. And when Sarah Palin delivered, they seemed to instantly fall in love." (Jonathan Martin, "GOP Grassroots On Fire," Politico's "Jonathan Martin" Blog, 8/30/08)

· Professor Larry Sabato: Governor Palin "Has Just Come Off Quite Well ... In Her National Debut." SABATO: "She has just come off quite well, I think, in her national debut. ... Well, in one fell swoop, the Republicans also have something to talk about in terms of history, potentially the first woman vice president the first Republican woman nominated for vice president. I think this is a fascinating package." (Fox News, 8/29/08)

· The Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol: Governor Palin Was "Compelling" And "Savvy" In Dayton. "That's why Palin's spectacular performance in her introduction in Dayton was so important. Her remarks were cogent and compelling. Her presentation of herself was shrewd and savvy. I heard from many who watched Palin--many of them not predisposed to support her--about how moved they were by her remarks, her composure, and her story." (William Kristol, Op-Ed, "Let Palin Be Palin," The Weekly Standard, 8/30/08)

· Kristol: "A spectre is haunting the liberal elites of New York and Washington--the spectre of a young, attractive, unapologetic conservatism, rising out of the American countryside, free of the taint (fair or unfair) of the Bush administration and the recent Republican Congress, able to invigorate a McCain administration and to govern beyond it." (William Kristol, Op-Ed, "Let Palin Be Palin," The Weekly Standard, 8/30/08)

Geraldine Ferraro: "I have to tell you, I got a phone call from my family too, and my daughter -- the immediate thing was, 'Wow! McCain picked a woman.' I thought it was stunning when it happened, because it is so historic. The other thing I must say this is the first time that anybody who is in a national position, has publicly thanked me in 24 years." (FOX's "Fox & Friends," 8/30/08)

Former Hillary Clinton Campaign Adviser Ann Lewis: "Well, first, the John McCain campaign definitely served notice that they intend to compete hard for the support of women voters. Of course, I appreciate the reference to Hillary Clinton, who did such a magnificent job in her campaign." (CNN, 8/29/08)

Former Clinton Adviser Howard Wolfson: With Palin Pick, "You Are Going To Have A Lot Of Women Voters Wondering Why Senator Obama Didn't Tap Senator Clinton As His Running Mate." "To that end, consider the immediate reaction of Clinton adviser Howard Wolfson, who writes today in a short piece titled 'I'll See Your Biden and Raise You a Palin,' that 'you are going to have a lot of women voters wondering why Senator Obama didn't tap Senator Clinton as his running mate.'" (Jake Tapper, "A White Shade Of Palin," ABC News, 8/29/08)

CNN's David Brody: "This is a day that will go down as a turning point, most likely, within evangelical circles ... They are now fervently on-board for John McCain. I think we've seen a dramatic shift today." (CNN's "Newsroom," 8/29/08)

· CNN's David Gergen: "Among conservatives, one hears nothing but praise for Governor Sarah Palin -- she is strongly pro-life, a long-time member of the NRA, a fiscal hawk, and an interesting combination of charm and toughness. She helps to bring the party back to its conservative roots." (David Gergen, "Talk About A Bold Gamble!," CNN's "Political Ticker" Blog, 8/29/08)

· The Washington Post: "Outpouring Of Enthusiasm" For Governor Palin. "The announcement of her elevation to the Republican ticket brought an outpouring of enthusiasm from the right flank of the GOP and will assure a more energized convention next week in St. Paul, Minn." (Dan Balz, "With Pick, McCain Reclaims His Maverick Image," The Washington Post, 8/30/08)

· The Washington Post: "Evangelicals, who are practically giddy at Sen. John McCain's vice presidential pick, have spent the day heaping praise on Gov. Sarah Palin." (Krissah Williams Thompson, "Evangelicals Heap Praise on Palin," Washington Post's "The Trail," Blog, 8/29/08)

"Inconsistent Messaging" From The Obama Campaign:
Politico's Ben Smith: Barack Obama "Seemed To Distance Himself From His Campaign's First, Harshly Critical Response." At a stop in Monaca, Pa., Barack Obama seemed to distance himself from his campaign's first, harshly critical response to the Palin pick." (Ben Smith, "Obama Distances Himself From 'Hair-Trigger' Campaign Criticism," Politico, 8/29/08)

· ABC News' Jake Tapper: "The Obama Campaign's First Response Was To Attack, Not Congratulate Gov. Palin Or Acknowledge The Historic Nature Of Her Selection." "Republicans say it's note-worthy that on the week commemorating the 88th anniversary of women getting the right to vote -- with McCain, making a ground-breaking VP pick -- the Obama campaign's first response was to attack, not congratulate Gov. Palin or acknowledge the historic nature of her selection." (Jake Tapper, "The Obama Campaign's First Impulse," ABC News, 8/29/08)

· Associated Press: "Obama Campaign Hits, Then Praises McCain's VP Choice." "Barack Obama's spokesman fired off a fast criticism of Republican John McCain's new running mate Friday, but the Democratic candidate himself quickly stepped in to offer her congratulations and praise. Obama, who is eager to win over female voters who backed his rival Hillary Rodham Clinton in the primaries, blamed the mixed messages about McCain's choice, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, on campaign aides with a 'hair trigger.'" (Charles Babington, "Obama Camp Hits, Then Praises McCain's VP Choice," Associated Press, 8/29/08)

· MSNBC: Barack Obama "Walked Back A Statement Put Out By His Campaign." "Obama reacted to his rival's pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as a running mate and walked back a statement put out by his campaign that called the governor inexperienced." (Athena Jones, "Obama Reacts To McCain VP Pick," MSNBC's "First Read" Blog, 8/29/08)

· Politico: Obama Campaign Response Demonstrates "Inconsistent Messaging." "At his afternoon stop, Obama distanced himself from the first, harshly critical remarks. ... The inconsistent messaging underscored the search among Democrats for the right tone in a presidential race jolted by the sudden addition of a female vice presidential candidate." (Carrie Budoff Brown, "Obama Loses Spotlight To New Rival," Politico, 8/30/08)

· The Washington Post's Dan Balz: "Obama, However, Declined To Join Such Attacks And Even Distanced Himself From His Campaign's Rhetoric." (Dan Balz, "With Pick, McCain Reclaims His Maverick Image," The Washington Post, 8/30/08)

Fox News' Carl Cameron: Obama Campaign "May Have Made A Tactical Error" In Negative Response. "One of the things that the McCain campaign is suggesting is that in their reaction -- so negative and dismissive of Sarah Palin that the Obama campaign may have made a tactical error, in part downplaying and appearing to sound dismissive of middle American, small town voters." (Fox News, 8/29/08)

· New York Post's Charles Hurt: Obama Response "One Of Its Dumbest Moves Yet." "Barack Obama has run a very smart campaign but made one of its dumbest moves yet in response to John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin for veep. ...This insider-Washington drivel from a campaign calling for change? This from the campaign of a guy whose foreign policy experience amounts to little more than a choreographed trip with reporters? In the first place, inexperience is one thing in the second slot (Palin) while it's an entirely more serious concern in the top slot (Obama). Also, to dismiss Palin's executive service as governor is completely out of touch. 'Governor' has always been a tremendous plus for presidential candidates in America while there really is no category for 'community organizer.' What's amazing about this statement is not just that it was so stupid but that it was part of a PREPARED statement." (Charles Hurt, "Losing Their Ne rve?" New York Post, 8/29/08)

· National Review's Jim Geraghty: "Team Obama cannot even say, 'Congratulations, Governor Palin, we look forward to a spirited race.' Nope, first thing they do is attack, attack, attack." (Jim Geraghty, "Team Obama Lashes Out At Palin," National Review Online's "The Campaign Spot," 8/29/08)

In The Headlines:

The Associated Press: "Evangelicals Energized By McCain-Palin Ticket" (Eric Gorski, "Evangelicals Energized By McCain-Palin Ticket," The Associated Press, 8/30/08)

Augusta Chronicle: "A Surprise Choice, Well-Timed" (Editorial, "A Surprise Choice, Well-Timed," Augusta Chronicle, 8/30/08)

Boston Herald: "Sarah Palin: Mom, Hunter, Maverick" (Jessica Fargen, "Sarah Palin: Mom, Hunter, Maverick," Boston Herald, 8/30/08)

Boston Herald Editorial: "With McCain's Pick, A Whole New Race" (Editorial, "With McCain's Pick, A Whole New Race," Boston Herald, 8/30/08)

CNN: "Palin Makes History" ("Palin Makes History," CNN's "Political Ticker" Blog, 8/29/08)

Dayton Daily News: "Nutter Crowd Greets Palin With Enthusiasm" (Joanne Huist Smith and James Cummings, "Nutter Crowd Greets Palin With Enthusiasm," Dayton Daily News, 8/30/08)

Dayton Daily News: "Senator's Pick Known As A Maverick" (Jessica Wehrman, "Senator's Pick Known As A Maverick," Dayton Daily News, 8/30/08)

Des Moines Register: "McCain's Pick Pleases Iowa's Social Conservatives"(Thomas Beaumont, "McCain Pick Pleases Iowa's Social Conservatives," Des Moines Register, 8/30/08)

The New York Times: "Sarah Heath Palin, An Outsider Who Charms" (William Yardley, "Sarah Heath Palin, An Outsider Who Charms," The New York Times, 8/30/08)

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "McCain-Palin: A Bold & Deft Pick" (Editorial, "McCain-Palin: A Bold & Deft Pick," Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 8/30/08)

Politico: "GOP Grassroots On Fire" (Jonathan Martin, "GOP Grassroots On Fire," Politico's "Jonathan Martin" Blog, 8/30/08)

Savannah Morning News: "Area GOP Reaction Upbeat To McCain's V.P." (Jan Skutch, "Area GOP Reaction Upbeat To McCain's V.P." Savannah Morning News, 8/30/08)

Tampa Tribune: "The Maverick Is Back" (Editorial, "The Maverick Is Back," Tampa Tribune, 8/30/08)

The Wall Street Journal: "A Reform Ticket" (Editorial, "A Reform Ticket," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

The Wall Street Journal: "Palin Fought For Reform In Alaska" (Fred Barnes, "Palin Fought For Reform In Alaska," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/08)

The Washington Post: "A Tenacious Reformer's Swift Rise" (Amy Goldstein and Michael D. Shear, "A Tenacious Reformer's Swift Rise," The Washington Post, 8/30/08)

The Washington Post: "With Pick, McCain Reclaims His Maverick Image" (Dan Balz, "With Pick, McCain Reclaims His Maverick Image," The Washington Post, 8/30/08)

The Washington Times: "Trumping Obama On Change" (Stephen Dinan, "Trumping Obama On Change," The Washington Times, 8/30/08)

The Weekly Standard: "Providential Palin" (Fred Barnes, "Providential Palin," The Weekly Standard, 8/30/08)

New Generation Republican Women's Convention Watch Party

Thursday, September 04, 2008
7:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Fayetteville, GA
The New Generation Republican Women of Fayette County will be hosting a Convention Watch Party Thursday September 4th. Come watch John McCain give his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. The event will be held at the Fayete County Republican Party Headquarters on the Square in Fayetteville, 111 Glynn Street. Parking located in parking lot behind the Headquarters. All are welcome hope to see you there.

Banging their heads against the wall

Can't you just picture Obama's team banging their heads against the wall because they picked "the safe guy". They tried to counter the Republican's charge that Obama doesn't have experience by picking Mr. Washington Insider, the old guy.

Hard for them to go after John McCain as old when their guy is nipping at his heels age-wise. I love it that Biden is having to bring out his Mom to prove he's got those longevity genes, too. What a hoot.

Now McCain picks a WOMAN, something the Democrats (ya know, the party that supports women... cough, cough) weren't brave enough (or intelligent) enough to do.

They coulda had a smart, intelligent, pant-suit wearing VP with a quiver full of 8 million votes, but nooooo, they couldn't handle having a strong woman at the side of Obama.

I wonder if Michelle Obama had anything to do with not picking Hillary Clinton? It looked like she was eating the sourest of sour lemons while Hillary was talking at the Democratic Convention last week. She does NOT like Hillary. Can't say I blame her, but still politics is politics and you swallow your likes and dislikes and get on with business. We've had quite a few VP's who weren't liked by the top of the ticket. It's all about strategy and I think Obama let personal feelings interfere with doing the right thing for his ticket.

I bet if he doesn't win (hope he doesn't, hope he doesn't) he'll look back at that one decision as the turning point in his campaign.

The Dems are going to be banging their heads against the wall for quite some time.

You know what's even better? It doesn't matter a hill of beans to any of us whether Sarah Palin out-talks Joe Biden in the debates. It doesn't matter if he knows about foreign policy and she's still learning. She's got a resume that beats Biden and Obama's put together. We don't expect miracles from her, we just expect her to be honest, smart and to learn, learn, learn and lead.

McCain Southeast Region Update

Saturday, 8/30/08
66 Days to the Election of John McCain
McCain Nightly Memo
From: SE Regional Offices, Tallahassee
To: McCain Team Member
Topic: The Reform Ticket

John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin: Real Agents for Change

Senator Barack Obama has made bringing change to Washington the central theme of his campaign. He has talked about the importance of bipartisanship and the need for America's partisan divisions to heal.

The problem for Barack Obama is that his record simply does not match his rhetoric. Senator Obama talks about bipartisanship, but the truth is that he voted 97 % of the time with Democrats in 2007. The National Journal ranked him as the most liberal U.S. Senator in the coun try. That is not change; that is the same old partisanship.

Senator Obama talks about making tough choices and reforming Washington, but in the Illinois State Senate Obama voted present over 130 times. If Senator Obama can't even demonstrate the courage to vote "yes" or "no" in the Illinois State Senate, what are the chances that Obama will have the courage to take on the deeply entrenched special interests in Washington?

While Barack Obama has talked about change, John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin have delivered it. In Alaska, a state plagued by political corruption, Governor Palin passed a landmark ethics reform bill. Governor Palin has repeatedly reached across the aisle in Alaska, working with Democrats and Independents to pass important legislation. Governor Palin has not backed down from challenging big oil companies, even though the move has not been popular with many Republican leaders in Alaska.

John McCain has made a career of challenging the status quo and bucking the political establishment. In choosing Governor Palin, John McCain has picked a great governing partner to shake up things in Washington.

Top Alaska Democrat Praises Choice of Governor Palin

Former Alaska State Representative and current congressional candidate Ethan Berkowitz praised Governor Sarah Palin's record of ethics reform and bipartisan credentials in a statement Friday.

"This is an exciting day for Alaska," Berkowitz said. "Gov. Palin has made her name fighting corruption within her own party, and I was honored when she stepped across party lines and asked me to co-author her ethics white paper."

Must Clicks

On Friday, Jo hn McCain took a bold step toward bringing reform to Washington by selecting Alaksa Governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate.

Watch Governor Palin speaking in Dayton: Governor Sarah Palin Addresses America

Find out what top Democrats have been saying about Senator Barack Obama: Watch "Remote Control".

Convention Watch Parties

John McCain will be accepting the Republican nomination next Thursday, Sept. 4th in St. Paul, Minnesota at the Republican National Convention. What better way to see history unfold than a having a Convention Watch Party at your home?

This is a great way to support John McCain with your family and friends. Our goal is to have numerous Convention Watch Parties around the state. We are counting on people like you to demonstrate to the media-- and more importantly voters-- that momentum is continuing to build for John McCain.

In Case You Didn't Know

Wasteful Washington spending has gone from irresponsible to indefensible. In the Senate, John McCain has fought pork barrel spending tooth and nail. In fact, John McCain has never made a single earmark request in 25 years. As President, he will seek the line item veto to reduce wasteful spending and eliminate earmarks that have led to corruption.

John McCain's new running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, has a similar record of fighting earmarks and wasteful spending. When Congress passed legislation authorizing $ 400 million for Alaska to build the "Bridge to Nowhere", Governor Palin said, "Thanks, but no thanks." In addition, Governor Palin is the rare politician who has actually used her veto power and cut budgetary spending.

Senator Barack Obama's record on spending shows that his message of change is nothing more than lofty rhetoric. Barack Obama has requested nearly 1 billion dollars in pork barrel spending. That is a million dollars for every day he's been in office.

Must Reads

The Reform Ticket
Review and Outlook
The Wall Street Journal
August 30, 2008

If any doubt remained that former fighter pilot John McCain loves to take unconventional risks, he put them to bed Friday by picking Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Introduced in Dayton by Mr. McCain, Governor Palin swung the bat pretty well. We'll now see if she can hit curve balls.

It's a daring pick because Mrs. Palin has never faced national scrutiny and hasn't had to deal with foreign policy. Most VP choices are designed to do no harm, and we tend to agree with the maxim. Democrats are already saying they can't wait for Mrs. Palin's debate against "statesman" Joe Biden. On the other hand, the record shows that Sarah Palin's political career is a case study in taking on the big boys. We suspect her record of fighting the status quo was uppermost in J ohn McCain's decision.
To read more, click here: The Reform Ticket

Trumping Obama on Change
By Stephen Dinan
Washington TimesA
ugust 30, 2008
She unseated a sitting Republican governor in a primary by running against the Republican establishment in Alaska. If anything, her zeal for busting pork-barrel spending may outstrip Mr. McCain's. And she's spent her time in office fighting for ethics reform.
To read more, click here: Trumping Obama on Change

Nutter Crowd Greets Palin With Enthusiasm
By Joanne Smith & James Cummings
Dayton Daily News
August 30, 2008
Even if they didn't know much about her going in, the capacity crowd at Wright State University's Ervin J. Nutter Center roared its approval of John McCa in's surprise selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.
To read more, click here: Nutter Crowd Greets Palin With Enthusiasm

Finally This Evening...

Would you like to share your excitement about John McCain with your community? If so, John McCain is calling you to action. We need volunteers for our Door-to-Door campaign in Georgia.
Door-to-door volunteers speak with their neighbors face-to-face on behalf of John McCain. This is an easy way to make a pivotal contribution to our grassroots campaign. It will only require a few hours of your time every week.

If you are interested in helping with this important effort, please respond to this email.

Reform, Prosperity and Peace

Change ticket?

Hafta tell ya, Obama's mantra as being the "Change ticket" sure sounds lame after McCain shook things up yesterday!

Obama made a safe inside Washington pick which pretty much threw "change" out the door. If anything says "Washington-politics-as-usual", it's Joe Biden.

McCain on the other hand picked way, way outside Washington, picked someone who doesn't toe the Party line when it goes against her ethical grain and is truly an agent of change! Sarah Palin is the future of the Republican Party, Biden is the past and current Democratic Party. Stale.

Obama made a "safe" choice that didn't bring a thing to his ticket. McCain made a maverick choice living up to his nickname and bringing hope for the future of the Republican Party.

"A Reform Ticket"

"For starters, we'd say Governor Palin's credentials as an agent of reform exceed Barack Obama's." -- The Wall Street Journal

"A Reform Ticket"
The Wall Street Journal
August 30, 2008

If any doubt remained that former fighter pilot John McCain loves to take unconventional risks, he put them to bed Friday by picking Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Introduced in Dayton by Mr. McCain, Governor Palin swung the bat pretty well. We'll now see if she can hit curve balls.

It's a daring pick because Mrs. Palin has never faced national scrutiny and hasn't had to deal with foreign policy. Most VP choices are designed to do no harm, and we tend to agree with the maxim. Democrats are already saying they can't wait for Mrs. Palin's debate against "statesman" Joe Biden. On the other hand, the record shows that Sarah Palin's political career is a case study in taking on the big boys. We suspect her record of fighting the status quo was uppermost in John McCain's decision.

Barack Obama aside, Senator McCain's biggest problem is a Republican brand that has suffered -- both among independents and the GOP base -- from the party's business-as-usual mentality in Washington. The public wants change. This pick could prove Mr. McCain is serious about changing his party.

Sarah Palin's reform resume would be remarkable in any political career. She entered politics at 28, winning a seat on the Wasilla city council as an opponent of tax increases. After she defeated Wasilla's three-term incumbent mayor four years later, she swept the mayor's cronies out of the bureaucracy.

In 2003, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski appointed her to the state's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Bear in mind that Mr. Murkowski had already served as junior U.S. Senator from Alaska for 22 years. Mr. Murkowski was junior senator for so long because Senator Ted Stevens (who was recently indicted for corruption) had lifetime tenure in the senior post.
Shortly after joining the oil and gas commission, Mrs. Palin commenced an ethics probe of the state's Republican party chairman, Randy Ruedrich, involving conflicts of interest with oil companies. The probe resulted in a $12,000 fine for the party chair.

She crossed party lines in 2004 to join a Democratic representative's ethics complaint over an international trade deal against the Republican Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who had ties to the Murkowski machine. Mr. Renkes resigned.

In late 2005, Mrs. Palin announced her run for Governor before then-Governor Murkowski had announced his intention to stand for re-election. In a three-way primary, Mrs. Palin got 51% to Mr. Murkowski's 19%. At the center of this campaign was a debate over competing proposals to build a natural gas pipeline across Alaska.

These columns wrote about Gov. Murkowski's smashing defeat by Mrs. Palin, noting that his pipeline proposal had been tainted by reports of sweetheart deals with energy companies. The editorial ended: "If Republicans are run out of Congress in November, one big reason will be that, like Mr. Murkowski, they have become far more comfortable running the government than reforming it." That is what happened, as disgusted GOP voters turned away from their own party and ceded control of Congress to the Democrats.

Against the odds, Mrs. Palin won that 2006 election against the state's former Democratic governor Tony Knowles. Most recently, she promoted the effort of her GOP lieutenant governor to unseat U.S. Congressman Don Young, who with Senator Stevens created the earmark that sank the GOP, the notorious "bridge to nowhere."


For starters, we'd say Governor Palin's credentials as an agent of reform exceed Barack Obama's. Mr. Obama rose through the Chicago Democratic machine without a peep of push-back. Alaska's politics are deeply inbred and backed by energy-industry money. Mr. Obama slid past the kind of forces that Mrs. Palin took head on. This is one reason her selection -- despite its campaign risks -- seems to have been so well received by Republicans yesterday. They are looking for a new generation of leaders.

Don't expect this remarkable personal Palin narrative to get an Obama-like break from the national media. Their main focus will be her lack of experience, claiming it undercuts Mr. McCain's criticism of Barack Obama. One mispronounced foreign leader's name, and she's going to be hammered.

If she can survive this gantlet, Governor Palin could help Mr. McCain with some liabilities of his own. The alternative would have been a ticket of two familiar GOP names in a political cycle where the Democrats have seemed to be the party of energy and freshness. A self-described "hockey mom" with a commercial-fisherman husband, Governor Palin will have more credibility with families than a Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee. With energy supplies and prices one of the top issues, Alaska's Governor also should bring some first-hand realism to the debate over drilling and the environment.

* * *

Senator Obama's acceptance speech made it clear that his campaign strategy is pegged to linking Mr. McCain to the Beltway Republicans and the struggling economy. It's a powerful argument, and John McCain needs an answer to Mr. Obama's list of Democratic bromides. The vulnerability in the Obama plan is there's little in it that is new. He'd mostly replace one status quo with an earlier status quo of government spending schemes. Joe Biden is no help on that.
Mr. McCain's instinct clearly is to offer himself to voters as a reformer. With Sarah Palin, a genuine reformer, Mr. McCain may have found the right idea and the right person to make his run.

Read The Editorial

Campaign Message from Palin

Dear Friend,

I'm honored and humbled to join this historic campaign as John McCain's running mate. I feel privileged to join a man I admire and the man I know is ready to lead our country as the next president.

Some of life's greatest opportunities come unexpectedly, and this is certainly the case for me. I never set out to run for office. But life has taken me on a course that first led to the Alaska Governor's office and now the country's first female Republican vice presidential candidate.
I want you to know that John McCain and I will challenge the status quo in Washington. We're ready to address our nation's great challenges - from reducing our dependence on foreign oil to cutting wasteful spending and creating good jobs for Americans. I look forward to working with him to achieve every goal he has set out during this campaign to improve the lives of all Americans.

As the mother of a son serving in the U.S. Army and the commander of Alaska's National Guard, there is no doubt in my mind that John McCain is prepared to serve as our next Commander in Chief.

What I admire most about John McCain is his unwavering ability to put our country first and to ask for nothing in return for his decades of service. He's shown his resolve, toughness and strength of heart in the darkest of places; all in service to his country. This speaks volumes about the type of selfless leadership John McCain will bring to the White House.

Our team is ready to lead the country as the next President and Vice President of the United States. We're ready to win in November and we won't be able to do it without your support. If you want change in Washington, then John McCain and I are asking for your support. Please join our team today!

Governor Sarah Palin

P.S. Now is your opportunity to get involved and join our team. I'm proud to be John McCain's running mate and I'm ready pitch in and do my part to win in November. And that means asking you for a campaign contribution. Senators Obama and Biden have amassed a massive war chest - with hundreds of millions of dollars aimed at defeating me and John McCain. Will you help our campaign by making a generous donation today? Any amount you can give will go a long way in helping our ticket. Your support is appreciated. Thank you.

What is it about Sarah Palin?

I was thinking a bit about why John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as his VP pick was so great. Yes, it's exciting that she is the first woman on the Presidential / Vice Presidential ticket.

It's not just that, though that is creating so much enthusiasm across the country.

It's Palin herself. There is something in her package that everyone can identify with in some way.

She hunts and eats mooseburgers --- what guy wouldn't love a woman who'd hunt with him?

She runs which hits another group.

She's a mother of five, yes five, children, which is a full-time job in itself. I don't know much about her children but they sure looked like they were in the process of turning out to be decent adults.

She has all the conservative values that attract both Republicans and Independents.

She is tough yet seems to be fair.

She's gone after corruption, even in her own party! Wow. Love the independence and values.

She's good looking, feminine (no pants suits for her when she announced!). She was a former beauty contestant and you can tell she still has it. I would bet the glasses are something she wears just to give herself a bit more credibility. Although good looking, she didn't get where she is on looks, it was brains.

She plays sports, coached a team, calls herself a hockey-mom.

She has a Down Syndrome child, which I gather must have been a surprise given the difference in age between the next youngest and Track (I'm not sure of his name, although I've heard it often enough since yesterday!).

She's articulate, smart, sharp and now she's in line for the top office.

She's not Washington as usual.

She has more experience than Obama.

I think she amazes most of us who can't seem to handle a job and husband, much less the kind of job she has and five children. Somehow she still manages to take care of herself and that is something most of us whine about!

Women can be pretty nasty when it comes to other women. We're the worst when it comes to judging what others wear, calling them names when they're our boss, being catty and knowing how to do it so it hits a nerve. But Sarah Palin is someone most are going to want their little girls to emulate. She looks to be a true role model.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Sarah Palin on the Republican ticket is electrifying! I can't believe John McCain picked Superwoman as his running mate!

Who's talking about Obama today? Nobody.

The Obama team is coming across like they are scrambling, trying to come up with some way to combat the perfect pick.

They sound like a bunch of school bullies who just got beat by a "girl", oh yuck, a GIRL.

How lame is "don't you think it was contrived?"???? Who gives a flying flip whether it was contrived, whether he would have picked her if Hillary Clinton were Obama's VP? Get serious. Like there's anything that isn't vetted, re-vetted, checked against polls, analyzed beyond belief in the political world.

And how about the experience question? Whine, whine, whine, she doesn't have experience. Let's see... how does being an elected spender-of-money who's never worked a day in the real world qualify someone to be President Mr. Obama?

The Dem's are casting about trying to find some way to go after Palin and after what they did to Hillary, they don't have a leg to stand on.

McCain should sleep well tonight knowing he made a choice that is energizing his supporters and those who were on the fence.